
Leave everything behind and party till ya blackout!
Shirogane Tonberry P37W4 - #BlackoutFFXIV

Opening Hours

Friday: 23:00 JST - 03:00 JST (Party Night)
Other than Friday: All Day (Chill venue)
Note: Staff might not be in the venue all day.

Blackout Menu

Drinks Menu - Nightclub

The Amazing Cider (TAC) : 1,500 GilFruity Frozen Spirits (FFS) : 1,500 GilBest Bourbon Cocktail (BBC) : 1,500 Gil
Snack Menu - Nightclub
Crab Croquette : 1,500 GilFried Fishy : 1,500 Gil

Other Infos

Hello! Nyan Meowzy, owner of Blackout. Hope you like the venue! Let me know if you wanna join <BLAZE> as well!

Also do check my twitch channel as well XD :p

Thank You

Have a good day and stay safe! See you guys around :)